Monday, November 7, 2011

Good Things

I've been reading a favorite photography blog of mine. And by reading, I mean getting lost in. I had a college acquaintance who started her own photography business and it's blown up. Her pictures are amazing and she has this great flair for business and details. If you want to get lost for a while, read

She also stole an idea from my favorite multi-millionaire of all time, Martha Stewart. So, in the spirit of Katelyn (who will probably never know I wrote this) and Martha, my best friend, I present you with five wonders.

1. Turning six months old!
October 23 was mine and Ben's half year anniversary! It's hard to believe that at this time last year I was picking out flowers and searching tirelessly for invitations. My bridesmaids all had their shoes, but not their dresses! I'm so glad my wonderful family, fiance and co-workers were all so patient and unbelievably helpful. My mother should stop teaching to become a wedding planner.

2. Finding a church
I think we've finally settled. I hope. I don't know. Maybe.
Franklin Street was the second church we went to, invited by our neighbors Lauren and Logan. It's smaller than Clifton, which is our other possibility. It's also pretty quirky. Our Sunday School teacher reads in English out of his Hebrew Bible and likes to dissect the grammar of the prophets. But mannnnnn is it solid. I have never been in a friendlier church. Ever. They are intentional in community and overseas ministry. They practice preaching the gospel to one another (which is crucial. Nothing about Christianity comes naturally to us. We need to continually be reminded of who God is and who we are, or we will quickly begin to add rules on top of the freedom and grace we have!) And they take communion every Sunday! Which leads me to...

3. Wine!
Because at Franklin Street, we can choose wine or grape juice. And I think that's a really really good idea.

4. Shrimp Enchiladas
And the husbands who have them waiting for me when I get home from really long work meetings. With NCIS on in the background.

5. Sisters
I love my sisters. I love nights, like last night, when I get to talk to them about silly things (and really important things like the dream I had about living in Dr. Seuss world). I miss my family pretty dearly and wish that I could go home a lot sooner than...well, I don't know when I'll be home per se. But they'll all come to see me the week after Christmas! I can't wait!

Look forward to more good things (hopefully posted more than once a month)

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